Before Periodontal Surgery

Patient Pre-Sedation Care Instructions

If your appointment is in the morning, please restrict your intake to a small amount of clear liquids only (i.e. water, 7-up, Ginger Ale, Apple Juice, Jell-O, Chicken Broth or Sprite) after midnight the previous evening. If your appointment falls in the afternoon, please follow the same instructions as above 6 hours prior to surgery time.

  • Limit alcoholic intake the evening before your appointment–no more than one cocktail.
  • Wear comfortable loose, Short-Sleeve clothing for your appointment.
  • If you wear contact lenses, please remove them and wear eyeglasses to your appointment. Also, we would greatly appreciate the absence of make-up and any cologne or perfume.
  • Arrange for a responsible Adult person to accompany you and to drive you home. This person should make arrangements with our receptionist if he or she is to leave the office while you are being treated.

Due to the amount of time which is necessarily reserved for your treatment, it is essential that we be able to confirm this appointment. If you need to change this appointment please give our receptionist at least 5 business days notice. Your cooperation in this is greatly appreciated.

Do not hesitate to call us at (256) 883-4032 if there are any questions about your treatment that we have left unanswered. Our office is available 8:00am - 4:30pm Tuesday - Friday.
At North Alabama Periodontics, we are committed to providing quality healthcare to patients of all ages. We provide individualized solutions for your unique dental health needs. Contact Us
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